My retreat experience was…

April 29, 30 – May 1, 2011 In the final week of April 2011, I was an 18 year old college freshman who had fallen far from God’s love and grace. To those who knew me four years prior to my college acceptance I was a sweet, kind, caring, happy and loving girl who seemed [...]

2015-03-23T06:51:36+00:00January 15th, 2012|Upcoming Retreats|Comments Off on My retreat experience was…

The Pan de Vida retreat is…

My experience happened in 2004. It seemed like ages ago, but no one ever forgets a moment like that. It may have been a simple moment, but these moments often seem to be the most significant for me. I was 15 years old at the time. And at that age, no teenager wants to be in [...]

2016-10-17T01:47:26+00:00July 11th, 2011|Upcoming Retreats|Comments Off on The Pan de Vida retreat is…
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